Membership Application

Welcome!!! Please complete all information requested below so that we may better serve your business. Membership dues are only $125 per year. Credit Cards are accepted in the sign up form below, if you’re paying by check see below;

Paying by Check; Complete the application and mail together with your check to;

Port Jefferson Station / Terryville Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 446
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776


Membership Benefits

  • * Advocacy - We advocate on behalf of good business as an engine for progress.
  • * FREE listing on chamber website with a link to your business website
  • * Opportunity to network your business at our monthly meetings
  • * Discounted rates on advertising in the local newspapers
  • * Opportunity to be included in our annual Chamber Directory
  • * Opportunity to showcase your business at one of our monthly meetings
  • * Opportunity to advertise a special event or fundraiser through our e-mail blasts to the membership
  • * Opportunity to be featured in our Chamber newsletter "Spotlight Area"
  • * Available discounts on goods and services afforded you from our Members
  • * And much more!

Upcoming Events